Geneva College - Parents FYI Newsletter - August 18, 2020

Parents FYI combines important information from Geneva College to parents of Geneva students into one email communication. It will continue to be sent to you regularly. If you have feedback or questions regarding Parents FYI, please contact
Need 2 Know!

New Students: Move-In Day is Wednesday!
There’s a lot of excitement as families prepare to drop off new students at the Geneva campus this week. Check out the details to make it a smooth process!

Returning Students: Move-In Day is Next Week!
Returning students need to register for a move-in time slot. Find out the details now!

Family & Guests at Move In
While guest access to buildings must be limited for the health and safety of the community, and in compliance with health guidelines, we still welcome family and guests of our students to come to campus during move-in time. Please read and follow the instructions in advance.

Welcome Week 2020
We are so glad to welcome the incoming class of 2024 to campus! Welcome Week will be held from Wednesday, August 19 through Sunday, August 23. Check out a schedule full of activities including campfires, lawn games, ice cream on the pedestrian walkway, iced coffee, Golden Gala and lots more.

Geneva’s Community Covenant as a Guide
Coming back to campus this fall with health and safety in mind means incorporating new routines, practices, and expectations into the everyday activities of everyone in our community. The College has developed a community covenant that states expectations everyone—faculty, staff, and students—needs to adopt to care for each other through the fall semester.

GC Alert to Remind You of Your Health Screening
Beginning Tuesday, August 18, Geneva will send a daily text message reminder to students, faculty and staff to complete a personal health screening form before coming to campus. The text will include a link directly to the screening form on myGeneva. Students should complete this form every day before leaving their residence hall or traveling to campus.


Fall Schedule!

In response to guidelines from the PA Department of Health, Geneva Provost Dr. Melinda Stephens presents the fall schedule – including revised start date and end date.

Check out the fall schedule now!


Billing Details

Here’s information about billing, including how to make tuition payment (now overdue), payment plan info and deadline, and process and deadline for removing the student health insurance from your bill.
Calendar of Events
AUG 19 Welcome Week for New Students
AUG 24 First Day of Fall Semester Classes
AUG 26 All-Community Photo
SEP 4-5 Virtual Baccalaureate & Commencement
OCT 7-10 Virtual Homecoming
NOV 21 December Graduation Reception
NOV 25 Last Day of Fall 2020 Classes
NOV 30 Begin Finals (Remote)
DEC 4 End Finals (Remote)

NOTICE: Dates are subject to change

Staying Social
Social Media Spotlight
Questions & Answers!

As we all prepare for the fall 2020 semester, the college has developed plans and guidelines to keep the community safe. Find out answers to questions commonly asked by students about the fall semester and watch a replay of the most recent Fall Update Information Session for students and parents.
Things to Do
Eating At Alexander Dining Hall

When students return to campus, they will find that dining at the dining hall is much different. It’s all because of significant investments being made to ensure safety and adherence to regulations and best practices for food service operations. While changes abound, so do your choices!
Shining a Spotlight
Mayo Clinic COVID-19 Study at Geneva
Geneva is one of two colleges nationwide selected for a Mayo Clinic research study screening for COVID-19 antibodies. It provides an opportunity for Geneva faculty, staff and students to be tested when they arrive on campus and again about six weeks after classes start, helping shed light on how COVID-19 spreads and impacts communities. And participants get their own test results.
From Around Campus

Student Book Ordering & Receiving

The Geneva College Store is excited to see students back on campus and shares a lot of information about ordering online, in the store and changes one can expect this semester.

Student Parking Permits

If students bring a car to campus, they are required to purchase a parking permit, which can be purchased simply online. Make plans now.

Your Student's COVID-19 Safety Kit: Don't Leave Home Without It

For the health and safety of the entire community, it’s important that all students come prepared with a COVID-19 Safety Kit. Gather the items now needed for your student's arrival this week.

IT Provides Guidelines on 2020 Tech Needs

Geneva’s Information Technology Services identifies general computer specifications to optimize a personal educational experience. These guidelines cover the typical needs of most students for most programs. Students advisors can help them determine if their program requires any additional hardware or software.

HR Reminds Student Workers to Bring Whats Needed to Work This Fall

Is your student planning to work on campus this fall? If so, they will need to bring identification to complete the I-9 form. Here are the original documents your students needs to bring to campus if they'll be working.

The Bittersweet

A Message from Dan Dieter, Assistant Director of Marketing Services & PR
The much anticipated return to campus is upon us. Sending our students off to college can be a bittersweet time--sadly saying goodbye but full of hope for this new season of life. The Winnie the Pooh movie, Pooh's Grand Adventure, set on the last day of a golden summer, speaks to these moments and reminds us at this unique time that God does His best work in the bittersweet...
Student Development Resources

The Center for Calling and Career | 724-847-6572

The Center for Student Success | 724-847-5566

The Center for Student Engagement | 724-847-6644

Residence and Commuter Life | 724-847-6641

Counseling Services | 724-847-4081

Health Services | 724-847-6666

Dean’s Office | 724-847-6641

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