6 Steps to Take When Choosing an Allied Health Major - Geneva College-bwin体育
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6 Steps to Take When Choosing an Allied Health Major

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Is allied health a good major? 联合健康学位课程提供了一种学习医疗保健职业所需技能的方法. During this type of program, you might take courses such as virology, neuroscience, genomics, and biomedical ethics. 作为学习的一部分,你也可以期望在实验室使用最先进的设备.

When you know you want to work in healthcare, 获得联合医疗专业的学士学位是重要的一步. However, you might not know which type of program you should choose, 尤其是如果你不确定用这个学位能找到什么样的工作. 下面的建议可以帮助你选择专业,这样你就可以选择合适的联合医疗项目.

  1. Speak to a Professional in the Programs That Interest You

Allied health programs range from pre-med, pre-dental, and pre-nursing to biomedical research and medical technology. 这为医疗保健领域提供了广泛的潜在职业道路. 当你不确定选择哪个项目时,可以和你感兴趣的专业人士谈谈. For example, 你可以与注册护士或生物医学研究人员交谈,以了解更多关于他们所做的工作. 直接从专业人士那里收集这些信息可以帮助你了解工作职责和责任. You can also find out more about job satisfaction for those careers. 所有这些信息和反馈可以使您更容易地选择联合健康计划.

  1. Speak to Your Peers

向主修联合健康专业的同学或同龄人咨询是另一种选择专业的好方法. If you know peers who are planning on working in the healthcare field, talk to them about the allied health degree program they chose. You can ask them what they like most about the program, what kinds of academic work they are expected to do, and what types of skills and concepts they’re learning about. When talking to peers about allied health programs, you can also ask about the career path they’re focusing on. 与同伴讨论这些项目可以帮助你决定哪个项目适合你.

  1. Do Research

当你试图决定一个联合健康计划时,做研究是很重要的. Depending on your interests, 你应该看看你正在考虑选择的课程或专业. As part of your research, 探索每个项目中包含的课程类型,了解你将要学习的内容. 你还应该更多地了解在获得学士学位后你可以选择的高级学位的种类. For example, 医学预科或牙科预科联合健康课程可以为你攻读牙科高级学位做准备, optometry, or another medical field.

  1. Find Jobsthat Align with the Programs You’re Interested In

考虑一下你想要的职业类型可以帮助你缩小选择联合健康计划的范围. 看看那些拥有不同职业健康学位的人可以找到的工作类型. If you’re considering a nursing program, for example, explore the types of nursing career options you’ll have with this degree. If you’re leaning toward a medical technology program, research the kinds of jobs you can do with this degree. 你可能会发现,当你知道毕业后有什么样的工作机会时,选择联合医疗项目会容易得多.

  1. Review the Classes You Will Need to Take for Each Program

With multiple allied health programs to choose from, 探索你感兴趣的课程可以帮助你做出决定. Keep in mind that these programs also include pre-veterinary, pre-pharmacy, pre-occupational therapy, and pre-physical therapy. 根据你的兴趣,你应该查一下你需要修的课程. 浏览课程列表可以让你更好地了解一个项目是否符合你的目标和兴趣. 你可能会发现,根据你将要参加的课程类型,你对某个特定的项目有浓厚的兴趣.

  1. Speak to Your Advisor

在选择联合健康学位课程时,与你的顾问交谈可以为你提供指导. 你的导师可以帮你浏览每个项目提供的课程,并讨论你的职业兴趣. 和你的导师交谈也会给你一个机会来收集更多关于你感兴趣的项目的信息. With help from your advisor, you can explore your career goals, 哪个可以帮助你意识到哪个程序提供了实现它们的最佳途径.

Putting these tips to use can help you choose an allied health program. 当你花时间思考你在医疗保健方面的职业兴趣,并与他人谈论你的目标时, you’ll be in a good position to decide on the right degree program.

如果你有兴趣从基督教项目中获得联合健康学位, please contact Geneva College about our bachelor’s degree program options. bwin体育可以为您准备一个充实的医疗技术保健事业, biomedical research, nursing, dentistry, or another medical path. With a degree from Geneva College, 你将接受培训,为你提供职业生涯所需的科学知识,同时也让你把你的基督教价值观用于帮助他人.

bwin体育博客中表达的观点是其作者的观点,并不一定代表bwin体育的观点或官方立场. bwin体育博客是教师和撰稿人表达观点的地方, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.

Dec 22, 2021

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