重点报道:为你做营销吗? - Geneva College-bwin体育
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If you desire a fast-paced, 传统或数字媒体领域令人兴奋的职业, marketing may be your best option. 市场营销是一个充满机遇的多元化领域 business, 但也有一些有趣的学科,如经济学、消费者心理学等. Read on to learn more about the Bachelor of Science in Marketing program at Geneva — and why it's an excellent option for ambitious, well-rounded students.

Marketing Program Outcomes

Geneva's Bachelor of Science in Marketing program blends several critical areas of focus, including business, public relations and, of course, marketing. Students explore both the creative and technical sides of marketing in hopes of emerging with a broad range of critical skills. Courses are divided into a business core of 42 hours and a marketing core of 27 hours. 该学位课程以被称为战略营销的顶点课程结束. Upon graduating students should be equipped to handle a diverse array of demands in a rapidly evolving industry.


A marketing major not only helps you succeed in high-level marketing positions — it helps you market yourself as an innovative employee. 市场营销职位在行业、范围等方面差别很大 and 报酬——确实有适合每个人的东西. 以下是市场营销专业毕业生的最佳机会:

Market Research Analyst

A variety of industries rely on market research analysts to determine how particular products or services will perform. Analysts devise effective methods for capturing much-needed data on consumer preferences. Depending on the situation, 分析师可能依赖于问卷调查, surveys, opinion polls or focus groups. 其目标不仅仅是确定消费者喜欢哪些产品, 而是他们是否愿意投资,以及以什么价格投资. The data they collect is ultimately converted into easy-to-understand reports and presented to either clients or management. Analysts interpret these reports based on forecasted sales trends to shed light on data.

根据美国劳工统计局(BLS), 市场研究分析师的工资中位数达到63美元,230 per year in 2017. With a job outlook of 23 percent growth (well above average across all professions), this is one of the best opportunities for marketing graduates intent on finding work quickly.

Public Relations Specialists

Closely associated with marketing, 公共关系涉及策划一个特定组织的良好印象. 而不是为特定的产品或促销做广告, 公共关系专家专注于公司的总体目标和品牌. 一个成功的公关团队会向公众传达一个组织的价值观, 确保每个人不仅知道公司, 但也知道它代表什么,以及它如何与消费者互动.

提升正面的公众形象, 公关专家与传统媒体和社交媒体密切合作. 他们的工作可能包括起草新闻稿, 回应媒体索取资料的要求, 并通过社交媒体和其他资源评估公众舆论. 公关专家不是购买广告位,而是在媒体或网络上寻找报道.

公共关系的发展速度不如市场研究快,利润也不如市场研究丰厚. Still, it remains an excellent career path for marketing graduates with a knack for navigating both traditional media outlets and social media initiatives. The BLS indicates a job outlook of nine percent and a median annual salary of $59,300.

Social Media Specialist

In an Instagram era, companies increasingly rely on social media to get the word out about new products or services. 社交媒体专家紧跟数字营销趋势 manage platforms such as Facebook and Twitter closely to build close relationships with online followers.

The BLS groups social media specialists with PR specialists in terms of job outlook and pay. 地理位置和公司规模是决定薪酬的重要因素. 随着社交媒体领域的不断发展, however, 他们的技能很可能仍然需求量很大.

Marketing Managers

A steady climb up the career ladder may ultimately lead to a lucrative position in marketing or advertising management. While this occupation is currently only experiencing growth that is slightly faster than average, 雇主对它的需求仍然很高, 在病毒式社交媒体营销的时代,谁需要更大的创新.

Marketing managers serve as the vision behind many of the profession's most impressive campaigns. 他们与销售代理人密切合作, 财务团队和艺术总监将促销活动变为现实. This job encompasses a variety of duties and may look radically different depending on the employer. 以下工作职责尤其常见:

  • Determine which media formats (such as television, radio, print, email or social media) to utilize
  • 与各部门主管讨论预算和合同
  • 开展市场调查研究并解释其发现
  • Develop pricing strategies
  • 与客户紧密合作,提供市场反馈

The BLS reports a median annual income of $129,380 for marketing and advertising managers. 薪水可能令人印象深刻,但许多人是通过长时间工作来赚取的. 2016年,三分之一的营销经理每周工作时间超过40小时.

这些只是众多面向市场营销毕业生的工作中的一小部分. Ultimately, the skills and knowledge gained through a marketing education are highly transferable, 使毕业生有可能从事各种各样的职业.

If you’d like to learn more about professions that enable you to serve wholeheartedly and faithfully in your life’s work or want to learn more about a biblically based, Christ-centered educationbwin体育bwin体育很想和你聊聊. For more information on how Geneva College can help you pursue your education goals, please phone us at 855-979-5563 or email web@wbalweather.com.

Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, 并为全国对话做出贡献,激发人们的思考, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, 符合bwin体育作为基督徒的哲学, liberal arts institution.

Aug 30, 2018

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